Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Forgotten King, Pets, Spawn Points and Squirrels!

All most all done now! I only have 3 Boo Bootys, 4 pets, and 5 chests to paint! I cant wait to play =D

The Forgotten King:

Miss G. Snorts:

Lord Gruff:

6 x Rabid Squirrels 

Bramble Knight (spawn point x 2)

Old-Growth Hollow (spawn point x 2)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Billmen and Frog Knights

Over 2/3 done!! I am hopping to have everything painted and ready to play by Friday night =D


Frog Knights:

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Rabbits, Wisps and Bosses, oh MY!

I have passed the half way point for The Forgotten King! But I all ready ordered Super Dungeon Explore and some of the other I'll be painting even more after The Forgotten King stuff is all done.

Bashful Boris:


Grobbit Executioners:


Monday, May 18, 2015

Mook, Turniphead, Sprout and King Sprout

The first of the mobs are done! Not a bad start to it, but there is still tons left to paint.  I am speed painting to save time and so I will not go insane.




King Sprout:

Friday, May 15, 2015

Super Dungeon Explore: The Forgotten King - Heroes

So I found a whole new game....with lots of minis... that all must be painted! They are just too cool not to paint after all. We got to try Super Dungeon Explore about a week ago and we (and Ethan) loved it.  Its a great game for an 8 year old and it's all he has talked about for the past few days.  BUT now we have it! I was just going to paint the Heroes...but well I was not even done with the first one and I knew I was going to paint all the mobs too.  Now to see how fast I can get it all done.  First up are the Heroes and man were the fun to paint.


Fae Alchemist:

Royal Warden:

Princess Emerald:

Thundervale Huntress

Questing Knight: