Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Grey Knight Terminators, Paladins and Lord Kaldor Draigo WIP

All hail the assembly line! Whats 21 more guys in Terminator armor any way... aside from taking breaks to have a good cry these guys are almost done and all there bases are finished as well. I gave the Paladins blue accents to help be able to tell them apart when I play, as I can't stand the flag/book thingy the picture in the book shows them with.  Now all that is left is to do the metal and then I will have 100% painted Grey Knights!  Not to shabby for a days work!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Grey Knight Terminators!

First 10 are DONE! Only 20 more to go....I think I might cry. BUT I am up to 1500 points now so that's nice :D

Sunday, February 26, 2012

750 Grey Knights WIP

Well I got everybody primed and the bases ready for paint as well! I also when ahead and build me a Librarian as I know I will need him later :D

So here are the bases:

And the converted Librarian:

Friday, February 24, 2012

750 Grey Knights WIP

Well I got the first of my Grey Knights all put together now they just need some paint! It's kinda odd tho there seem to be fewer of them than my imps at 750...could just be me tho...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

40k City Board

Woot! It's DONE!! Over all I am very happy with it I don't really care for how the buildings I made out of the foam look that much but in the end I think it works out fine.  And now I can't wait to play a game on it!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

40k City

Well I got everything cut and glued down now I just got to wait for the glue to cure...I hate waiting...

Monday, February 20, 2012

40k Imperial Sector and Walls

Not to shabby for a days work, 7 building sections and 6 walls! Man oh man do I love my airbrush!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Grey Knights

DONE! 2 Grey Knight Interceptor Squads are DONE! I think they came out well and I went for a more urban theme on there bases that I think it fits them well.  Now I just have to wait for the rest of them to get in... I hate waiting on the mail... But in the meantime I will be working on some buildings and trying to make a city board, so we will see how that goes!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Grey Knights WIP

Almost done.... I SOOOOOOO wanted to finish these guys but just flat ran out of time. All that I have left to do is the 2 faces on the group leaders and then paint up the bases, guess I'll just have to finish them on Friday.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Grey Knights

And so it starts all over again! Today I got started on my first group of 10 Grey Knights and the bases to go with them.  I should have them done tomorrow i hope.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Time for some new terrain!

Never hurts to have more stuff to hide behind when people are trying to kill you, so here is the first of my new terrain I got for 40k.  I do have more on the way, the imperial sector box set, so I should be able to set up a nice city to fight in.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Imperial Guard - 107th Armored Division

I feel like I should add an of DOOOOOOOOOM to the title.  It is good to be at 100% painted again and I might add a bit more here and there (like walkers and some more infantry) as I find out what more I need.  But next I am going to help paint David's army of Blood Angles and then I'll probably start an army of Gray Knights.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Lord Commissar and Company Commander

100% painted on my Imperial Guard again! That should be the last of them for a while now and boy I can't wait to play tomorrow!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Cadian Troopers with Melta and Plasma Guns

Well I hope this is the last of the Imp troopers for me for a while but we will see.... I had to get these guys done so I could use them in our upcoming game on Tue.  They are painted to table top like the rest of my 40k but I think they came out fine and I am so ready to play!  All I got left now to paint is one Lord Commissar and one Company Commander so not to shabby!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Knight Commander Pask and Executioner Tanks

I SO can't wait to play with these guys! I did find out something helpful too while finishing up these guys...If you are painting Pask to go IN the tank you might want to put the part that his mini stands on BEFORE you paint everything...Cuz cutting the turret apart to put it in after everything has been painted and varnished kinds know just FYI