Monday, July 28, 2014

Madelyn Corbeau, Ordic Courtesan

Another one down! Next up are the 2 Gun Mage Captain Adepts and 2 groups of Gun Mages!

Also retook some picks of two solos I had already painted a long time ago:

Anastasia di Bray

Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist

Friday, July 25, 2014

Harlan Phineas Versh, Illuminated One

And another one down! Next up is Madelyn Corbeau and I hope my two groups of gun mages come in soon or I will have run out of things to paint for Ashlynn's army.

And a new pick of the cooler looking Ashlynn with her vanguards:

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Taryn Di La Rovissi and Rutger Shaw

Well the internet at my house has been broken...but its back up and running now! So here are the next two for my Ashlynn D'elyse Viva La Résistance army.  I played with yellow on Taryn and am sure I like it as much...or if its just the sculpt i don't like.  I admit I don't love either of these sculpts but they are done and out of the way now!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014

Captain Kara Sloan

First new mini for my Cygnar in a very long time, but she is rather cool I think.  I also might need to get another and repose her as I don't care for the gun in the air.... but that's for later.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord

Another one painted for fun that I just had laying around put together and primed.... but sitting in the to be painted cabinet of years... Now he looks much better I think.